With Impel's Tally Sync (iTally) utility, you can keep Accounts, Products, Orders and Invoices in Impel in sync with the Accounts, Products, Sales Order Vouchers and Sales Vouchers in Tally. Adding an item in Impel or Tally automatically reflects that item in the other system. Editing an Account or Product in Impel or Tally automatically reflects the change in the other system. Editing a Sales Order voucher or a Sales voucher in Tally makes the same change in Impel, keeping Tally as the "master" version. You can download iTally from this link.

Important:  Please ensure that Tally.ERP9 is installed in the C:\ or C:\Program Files\  folders on your desktop.

Setting iTally up is a simple matter of installing iTally and configuring it correctly. Please follow these steps to get Impel and Tally talking.

  1. Set up a user and password in Impel for yourself, possibly specifically for the Tally Sync. All sync transactions will carry this user's ID as the created-by or modified-by in Impel, so you may want to set up a separate user-ID for this task. There are other ways to track such syncing, but this separate ID will give your accountant complete control (and responsibility) for data that is pushed and pulled between Impel and Tally.
  2. Download and install iTally on the same machine that Tally is running on OR on another Windows machine that has complete network access to the PC that is running Tally. Note that the PC that has iTally installed must not only have access to Tally, it must also have access to the Internet, to connect to Impel. Some things to remember during installation:
    1. Tally should NOT be running during installation of iTally.
    2. If Tally is running, the installation process comes up with an alert, asking you to exit from Tally. Exit from Tally and then click OK for installation to proceed.
    3. The alert may be hidden by other apps that may be running on your desktop.
  3. Installing iTally means the following steps:
    1. Download the file from the link shown above. You will receive a ZIP file.
    2. Open the ZIP file using any supported archiving utility (WINRAR, for example).
    3. Drag-and-drop the two files inside to a filder location on your desktop PC.
    4. Double-click on the file called setup.exe. This will start the installation process.
  4. Once iTally has been installed, bring up Tally and log into the relevant company. Then start iTally. Note that iTally cannot work if Tally is not running.
  5. When iTally starts, it shows a small icon in in your Windows Taskbar. You can right click on that for a variety of functions. First, right-click and choose Settings. This will show  a pop-up that looks like the image alongside. In this pop-up:

    Impel Tally Sync Settings

    1. In the Username field, key in the Impel user ID that you set up in step 1 above.
    2. In the Password field, key in the Impel password that you set up for that ID.
    3. In the Tally company field, select the Tally company that you want to sync Impel with. This field will be automatically filled with the list of companies that Tally has, so you just have to select one.
    4. The Tally port no field will have the default number, 9000, that Tally runs its HTTP server at. Do not change this, unless you know for sure that Tally has been reconfigured to a different port. If you don't know what this means, it is safest to leave it unchanged.
    5. The Auto sync time field controls how often iTally syncs data between Impel and Tally. You can leave it unchanged.
    6. Click Save.
  6. If you'd like to leave iTally to do its magic, you can leave it running and go on to other things. If, on the other hand, you would like to run a first-time sync and make sure everything is OK, you can either right-click on the iTally tray icon and choose Start or you can choose Open. Choose Open, so we can walk through some of the other features of iTally.
  7. When you choose Open, you will see a pop-up that looks like the image shown here. It has checkboxes to control the direction that syncing must happen in and buttons to start, stop or show the current status of sync. There is also information about logging - we'll come to that later in this document.
  8. iTally_open_pop_up.png

    On the pop-up, click on the Sync button. This will bring up one more pop-up that shows the various steps in syncing data between Impel and Tally. You can let that run (typically, for a few minutes) and then check if everything went OK.

    1. If you have trouble (meaning, if you get strange error messages or data does not sync completely, please call Impel Support. In all likelihood, they will ask you to check the Create detailed log check-box, sync again and then send them the log-file that you can access at the folder-location that View log files takes you to. Hopefully, you'll never have to do that.

That's it - you're done!


You can always exit from iTally by right-clicking on the tray icon and choosing Exit. Note that, if you do, the Impel-Tally sync will stop working. You need to have iTally running, with Tally running and a working Internet connection, for iTally to work properly. 


Note: You cannot be logged into Impel using the same user-ID and password that you are using for the iTally sync, at the time that you are using iTally to sync data. Other users in your company can continue to use Impel.