Capturing Leads from your website (Web-to-Lead System)

The Web2Lead Lead Capture System is an elegant, flexible feature that Impel customers can use very effectively. Using this module, you can allow your Web site visitors submitting their contact information to be directly added as Leads into your Impel CRM system. All leads captured through the website can be assigned to an administrator who can then assign the leads to specific salespeople.

You can configure the overall look-and-feel of your page to be as close as you want to your own website, so Web site visitors see a continuity in the “flow” of pages. The contact data that they enter on the Web2Lead form appears automatically in Impel. Impel customers can define upto six different configurations of Web2Lead pages, to be called in different contexts, as the need may be. 

The Web2Lead page can be configured to look exactly the way you want it to be. You can even define the styles to be used on the website such that they be used in the Web2Lead page for specific fields.

As an operational issue, it is important to allow “test” users to work with a Web2Lead page before it is opened up for the world. Impel’s mechanism includes a way to specify that the current lead-capture page is in Test mode, so an administrator can define the page properly and make it work completely, before it is turned over to users.

Some important points about the Web2Lead System

  1. Any Website visitor can submit information on the Web2Lead form. Your administrator needs to check for spam and assign Leads appropriately to salespeople
  2. The generated Web2Lead form has a standaradized template. You will need to customize the generated form to fit your website
  3. The Web2Lead form has a standard automated reply mechanism that will be sent out to people who register on your Web site. You need to customize the text on the response e-mail
  4. Make sure that you use the lead capture page in Test mode, before you turn it over to general Web site visitors

This document describes the step to configure a Web2Lead page, test it and make it available on the website.

Creating a new Web-to-Lead Configuration

The screen below shows the configurations that are available in your organization. You can create upto 6 such configurations and can use one or all of them on various websites.

The image above shows the Add page for a new configuration. The fields available are:

  1. Referrer URL - The URL from which the Web2Lead will be called, for e.g. if the official website is and if you want to call the lead capture page, this should be filled with the website URL. This is to ensure that unauthorized websites do not call this page by mistake or by design. This field is ignored if the configuration is in Test mode.
  2. User IP Address - The user IP address is to be entered only in the test mode. This field is ignored when the configuration is not in Test mode.
  3. Password for page - Each Lead capture page should have a password (any string) that has be sent as a parameter from the page it is called. Enter any string that you will ensure is included in the request from the calling website.
  4. Opportunity Type - When a lead is created in the system via this mechanism, you can force a specific the resultant opportunity (created when the lead is converted) to be of a specific type. You can choose a Type of any one of the types listed for your organization. If you need a Type that does exist in the list, please contact the person in your organization responsible for Impel data administration.
  5. Probability - Like Opportunity Type, you can choose a Probability from among the ones included for your organization.
  6. Opportunity stage - Like Probability, you can choose an Opportunity Stage from among the ones included for your organization.
  7. Opportunity Source - Like Probability, you can choose an Opportunity Source from among the ones included for your organization. This will enable to know the exact source of the lead.
  8. Opportunity rating - Like Opportunity Source, you can choose an Opportunity Rating from among the ones included for your organization.
  9. Opportunity status - Like Opportunity Rating, you can choose an Opportunity Status from among the ones included for your organization.
  10. Default Territory - The leads that are generated from this page will be assigned with the territory you select. This can be used to ensure that one appropriate salesperson gets access to all the leads that are generated online.

Fill in the appropriate data and click Update to save your configuration.

Viewing an existing Configuration

You can look at the details of a configuration by clicking on an item in the list, as shown below.

You can use the buttons on the View page to change password (as shown below), edit the configuration itself, edit page preferences (where you set up the fields shown on the Web2Lead page) or delete the configuration. The password for this configuration can be changed on this screen. On click of the change password button, you’ll be taken to another page which is shown below and you can change the password for the configuration.

Clicking on the Edit configuration button will take you the page as shown in Add section, where you can change the configurations for a selected item.

Clicking on the Delete button will delete the configuration. Note that calling websites must be reconfigured correctly; else, users will see an error page.

Editing page preferences

The Edit page preferences is the page where you can design the layout of your page on your own. It includes a simple drag-and-drop mechanism where you can select the fields from the available set of fields and create the page.

1. Fields available and shown

The column lists all the fields that are available for the configuration of the web to lead page. Click on the field that you wanted to show in web to lead page, the field will appear on the right side column as shown in the image below.

Once you select a field, the selected fields will appear on the right, fields shown. You can drag and drop fields to change the order of display in your Web2Lead Form. You can also remove a field that is not needed by just clicking on the X in the corner.

2. Single columned

When you select this option, the web to lead form will be shown with all the columns that you’ve chosen in one long column.

3. Double columned

When you select this option, the web to lead form will be shown with all the columns that you’ve chosen in two columns.

What it will look like

Double-column Web2Lead page

Single-column Web2Lead page

Once you finish off the above mentioned process, now lets see how to submit data from your website to Impel. There are two ways of doing it,

1. Calling the Web2Lead from from Impel 
    If you opt to use this method, all that you have do is to just copy and paste the URL from the Web2Lead configuration page into your website. When the page loads, the Web2Lead form will be served from ImpelCRM. Once the user submits the data it gets updated into Impel.

2. Creating the Web2Lead form on your own and submit only the data to Impel
    This is much simpler process, you can create your own Web2Lead form, so that the page will be part of your website, but the data is submitted into Impel. Impel expects the values to be submitted with a specific parameter name. You refer to the following code or even copy paste the code and use it in your website. There are few parameter values to be changed, which is highlighted in the code below:

Few things to be aware of,

1. The state name value should be same as in the system 
2. Product name should exactly match the product name that you have entered in Impel 
3. pagestr and mq parameters are the mandatory fields and it should be hidded fields for the Web2Lead to get processed, if it is wrongly mentioned or not mentioned the data won't be updated into Impel 
4. You can use the same code by changing your field preferences, if you like to add more custom fields, please contact to get the configuration 

5. You can change the labels according to your business, for. e.g. if you dealing with schools, you can change the "Company" to "School" and so on for the other fields too.

Note: please DO NOT change any field name or id, since the data won't be updated if changed.