Impel has a large number of Base Objects supported from the get-go. A Base Object is a "thing" that's available when you sign in - compared to a "thing" that you configure on your own (which would become a Custom Object). For example, a Contact is a Base Object, while a Car (say, owned by a Contact) is a Custom Object that you could configure. Here's a list of the Base Objects that Impel supports:

  • Accounts. These are companies and other organizations that you want to track. You can set up various types of Accounts - customers, partners and so on - to track every organization that you ever come across.
  • Activities. These are things that you do - calls, emails, meetings, etc. If you use Impel's Email Client, every email that a user sends or receives is written in here, too. And you can tie an Activity to multiple Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities and Users.
  • Branches. These are locations that your organization operates at - either as offices or as locations with inventory. People who work at specific Branches can be assigned to those locations, so all their invoicing and inventory transactions are automatically tagged to their Branch.
  • Campaigns. Also called Marketing Campaigns, these are groups of Contacts whom you would, for example, send a specific email or SMS to or would set up outbound phone calls to, via a call center.
  • Collections . These are records of money you've received, as cash, check or on a credit card. You can track Collections against Invoices or Orders, too.
  • Contacts. These are people whom you know, in your own company and in other companies (Accounts).
  • Expenses. These are records of money you've spent in the course of business. You can tag this against an Account, Activity, Contact, Ticket or Service Request. And you can mark each expense to go to a specific Financial Account, too.
  • Financial Accounts. This is your Chart of Accounts, the things that CPAs worry about. Banks, Assets, Investments, that kind of thing. You can tag expenses and collections against them, of course. 
  • Financial Transactions. These are detailed debits and credits that you can track - like an Accounting Ledger, but without the complexities that a Financial Accounting system supports.
  • Geo-location of Users. This is a log of the specific locations (latitude-longitude) that Impel Touch users have been at, as reported by their phones.
  • Inventory. This is the current inventory of products at the Branches that you've set up. Inventory can be serialized or it can be at a "batch number", too, with expiry dates for things like food and pharmaceutical products.
  • Inventory Transactions. This is a log of every item that's brought into your branches, shipped out, adjusted and so on. Ultimately, these transactions change the current Inventory at a Branch.
  • Invoices. These are actual sales that you make, with details of products, quantities, discounts and taxes - even line-level discounts and taxes.
  • Leads. These are best described as the equivalent of "business cards" - a combination of a Contact, his/her Account and a possible Opportunity in the future, to be "converted" when the Opportunity becomes real. You can read a mode detailed description of this process here.
  • Loyalty Transactions. You can set up Loyalty Management programs and build workflows such that every Invoice causes a specific, calculated number of points to be added to a Contact's profile. This object tracks every one of those calculations.
  • Opportunities. These are potential deals for your sales team. And they typically go through various Stages, with the number of Opportunities (or their value) being each layer in your Funnel. More about Stage processing here.
  • Orders. These are commitments from customers to buy your products. With details at a Product-quantity level, orders can include taxes and discounts and can have advance Collections tagged to them.
  • Products. These are the actual items that your company sells to your customers. In an advanced configuration, they could include items that you resell, too, with a log of whose product was re-sold to which customer.
  • Purchase Orders. These are your commitments too to buy goods from suppliers. Suppliers can be a Type of Accounts and, when goods are received from them, Inventory Transactions can be made against specific POs, so you can track what's pending.
  • Quotes. These are price-submissions that you make to customers, with details of your Products (or services) and quantities. You can convert a Quote to an Order - or directly to an Invoice - with one click.
  • Service Requests. In a business where you have people visiting customer locations for fixing things or for preventive maintenance, you can schedule and track such visits in reports and on a special calendar.
  • SMS Transactions. This is a log of every text message that your organization ever sent to or received from Users and Contacts. Some of these messages can be configured to cause specific actions in Impel - you can read more about that here.
  • Territories. This is a telescoping hierarchy of places, types of Accounts, etc. - whatever you see fit - to manage salesperson activities. Essentially, Territories give you a way to segment Accounts, Contacts and Activities and make sure that each salesperson has access to exactly the data that s/he needs and no more.
  • Tickets. These are issues or cases raised by your customers. You can assign each Ticket to a specific User to work on, track Activities against it, set up workflows to escalate things if they go too slow and so on. And you can configure emails to your Support ID to automatically become Tickets, so that customers are given the best support possible, no matter HOW they choose to contact you 
  • Users. These are the people in your organization who actually log into Impel (online or on Impel Touch) and do various things. Data that Users create or edit are automatically tagged with their IDs, so there is complete traceability across the board.
Apart from all this, you can create your own Custom Objects to track things that you unique to your business. And you can write Workflows, Front-end Business Rule, etc. against and and all of them to help automate things better.